My reminders for 2023

3 min readJan 4, 2023


Today, it occurred to me as I gently peeled the previous calendar off my wall that it’s not just the time sliding. These years that fly are wonderful teachers who whisper old secrets and impart their wisdom; lessons that have been forgotten for a long time, patterns that bring calamity every time I believe I’m just casting my charm, and flags that I ignore despite a brick being thrown in my face.

We all learn lessons the hard way, but we seldom record them because we are in a hurry and we give our internal security too much credit but writing down reminders is definitely a better way to keep ourselves safe from recurring heartache.

So listing my gold without delving into any detail on what prompted me to learn them:-

  1. Planning everything to the dot wouldn’t make wonderful things happen. Be prepared to lose your way. You will most likely carve a new one.
  2. Saying NO requires authenticity, not courage and definitely not — because you are unwell or have another conflict — an excuse.
  3. Also, surprising myself by saying a Yes in place of a No, can allow me a newer experience where I may live a little more
  4. Waking up early is easier than sleeping earlier than am used to.
  5. Taking myself on a morning stroll has helped me feel more calmer, in control, and focused. Yes to more nature walks.
  6. Building the muscle to accept others just as they are is the solution to being accepted just as I am. Even when I think they are unreasonable, especially when I think they are being unreasonable.
  7. The absence of its pursuit is where the true happiness lies. Just in the moment where you are enough to begin with. Delete those wish-lists and drop that bucket-list; it’s liberating.
  8. Following through a promise I made to myself will make others take me more seriously. I know it is time I pick my Ukelele again, this time on a more serious note.
  9. Wait if you are unsure.. Your intuition will come to your aid. Or the need to decide will pass by itself.
  10. As for regrets — live each moment to prevent them from lodging in your heart. Regrets feel like sopping wet clothes to me, uncomfortably wet, dripping and heavier with time.
  11. Doing the right thing even when it’s tough has seen me through many peaceful nights of sleep. This one takes mental strength but when done the right way, you can’t go wrong.
  12. People come into your life only to leave. It’s not a fault. It’s called evolving and needing different things. True for friends, best friends & soulmates. On their way out, make sure you SET THEM FREE.

That’s all there is to my list; perhaps I will return to updating it as I continue to live some more. For the time being, this list of lessons learned is complete and in working order. I’m aware that it might not work for anyone else as beautifully as it does for me, but I do believe there might be some parts that could go with your life’s puzzle.
Take them away or better yet write a list for yourself; you have nothing to lose, and you might just be saving yourself from riding another regret.

Tell me in the comments if you come across anything that strikes a chord with you.

